The Ultimate Guide to Using Delta 8 for Sleep

Getting enough sleep every night is a must if you want to stay healthy and live your life to the fullest. If you struggle to fall asleep on your own, you may need to use sleep aids to get enough shut-eye every night. 

Delta 8 is a cannabis product that is often described as an effective sleep aid. But exactly how does Delta 8 help with sleep, and how do you know if it’s right for you? Here’s everything you need to know about Delta 8 for sleep. By understanding these aspects and approaching these products with care, you can make an informed decision about incorporating Delta 8 into your sleep routine.

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 is a form of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s one of many psychoactive compounds found in cannabis plants. Most commercially available cannabis products use Delta 9 THC. However, Delta 8 has recently emerged as a popular alternative. Structurally, Delta 8 has a double bond on its eighth carbon molecule, which is where it gets its name. 

Some people prefer Delta 8 THC because it is less psychoactive than Delta 9. This means you’ll experience a much milder “high” when using it. However, Delta 8 THC offers many of the same physical benefits as its Delta 9 counterparts. For example, Delta 8 can provide relief from pain and nausea. There’s also anecdotal evidence that it can help with anxiety and other mental health conditions. 

Delta 8 is present in very small quantities in cannabis plants, as opposed to Delta 9, which is present in large quantities. This means that Delta 8 products must undergo a complex extraction and refinement process, usually done in a lab. Delta 8 is available in a variety of forms, including vape pens, edibles, and more. 

Most Delta 8 products are made using hemp plants rather than marijuana plants. Hemp products are legal throughout the United States as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill, so you will find them in states where marijuana hasn’t been fully legalized yet. However, some states that have fully legalized marijuana have limited access to Delta 8, as there aren’t processes in place yet to regulate it. 

Is Delta 8 Good for Sleep?

Scientific research on Delta 8 is still in its early stages. However, there are signs that using Delta 8 for sleeping can be effective. So, exactly how does Delta 8 help you sleep? 

When Delta 8 THC binds to your endocannabinoid system, it regulates your breath and your heart rate. This creates a state of relaxation that can help you drift off. If you’re struggling with anxiety and stress, Delta 8 could also help your mind calm down so you can fall asleep faster. 

Delta 8 can also help with pain management. If you have a painful injury or illness that makes it hard to sleep, Delta 8 products could make those symptoms less intense. 

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 for Sleep

Both Delta 8 and Delta 9 products can be effective for sleep. However, many cannabis enthusiasts prefer Delta 8 for sleep. Here’s why many people opt for a Delta 8 sleep aid. 

Psychoactive Effects

Delta 8 is much milder than Delta 9 in terms of psychoactive effects. This means you won’t experience as much of a “high” when using Delta 8. 

When the psychoactive effects of cannabis are too intense, it can actually make it more difficult to sleep. Paranoia is a common side effect of Delta 9 THC, which can disrupt sleep and make it more challenging. Delta 8 can help you relax without a distracting high. 


Marijuana products aren’t legal at the federal level, but hemp products are. Since most Delta 8 products are derived from hemp, they are easier to access in many parts of the United States. This makes them a more reliable sleep aid for those who live in states where marijuana isn’t currently legal. 

However, it is essential to note that some states that presently have recreational or medical marijuana programs restrict the sale of Delta 8 products. This is because they aren’t currently regulated the same way that marijuana products are. Check your state’s laws and regulations to see which products are available to you. 

How to Use Delta 8 THC for Sleep

Here’s what to consider when using Delta 8 for insomnia and sleep cycle management. Note that everyone responds to cannabis products differently. You may need to 

experiment with different approaches to determine what will work best for your sleep routine.


Delta 8 THC is available in many forms, including flower, vape pens, tincturesgummies, capsules, and more. You can select the best delivery method for you based on your preferences. 

Note that some methods will show results immediately, while others take time to work. For example, if you opt to smoke flower or use a vape pen, you’ll feel the effects right away. However, edible products usually take at least 30 minutes to kick in. 

There are pros and cons to every form of cannabis, so it all comes down to personal choice. Many people enjoy edibles because they don’t put stress on the lungs and come in fun flavors. However, others prefer smoking flower or vaping because you can feel the effects more quickly. 


When using Delta 8 for sleep, it’s best to start with a small dose to see how it affects you. For edible products, 2.5 to 5 milligrams is a good place to start. If you don’t feel the effects of this amount, you can continue to increase the dose in small increments each night until you find what works best for you. 

Even a small amount of cannabis can make a big impact when it comes to sleep. 

Once you’re more experienced with cannabis products, you can increase the dose as needed. It’s important to note that, unlike alcohol, cannabis tolerance isn’t related to your size. This means that larger people won’t necessarily need to take a larger dose to feel its effects. 


When it comes to balancing delta 8 and sleep, timing plays a critical role. Taking Delta 8 too early might lead to premature drowsiness, potentially disrupting your regular sleep pattern. On the other hand, using it too close to your bedtime might give it less time to take effect. Additionally, the intensity of the strain and the dosage are important factors; a high-potency strain or a large dose could result in feeling the effects even the following morning. 

The right timing for your Delta 8 products depends partially on your ingestion method. For example, if you’re smoking or vaping, you’ll likely start feeling the effects of Delta 8 in less than 10 minutes. Tinctures also work quickly, usually taking 15 to 30 minutes to set in. 

However, edible products like gummies, chocolates, or capsules take much longer to take effect. These products take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to kick in. If you opt to use these products for sleep, you’ll need to take them well before bedtime to ensure they take effect at the right time. 


As with other types of cannabis products, Delta 8 products are available in various strains. Some strains are more effective for sleep than others. 

For example, many people prefer indica strains to sativa strains for sleep. In general, indica tends to be more relaxing, while sativa tends to be more stimulating. Hybrid strains contain both indica and sativa for a more balanced experience. 

Additionally, consider the specific cannabinoids in your Delta 8 products. Delta 8 is a form of THC, but it is often paired with CBD, which is another cannabinoid. 

CBD is not psychoactive but has other relaxing effects that can help with sleep. Products containing Delta 8 and CBD can also promote restful sleep.   \

Best Practices for Using Delta 8 for Sleep

Insomnia can be incredibly frustrating, disrupting daily life and affecting overall well-being. Consistently following these best practices can help you get the most out of your Delta 8 products each night. 

Start with a Low Dose and Build

When trying a new cannabis product, it’s always best to start with a small dose and build. This will help you see how your body reacts to the product and whether it’s a good fit. 

If you start with a dose that’s too high, the sensation could become overwhelming and counterproductive to your sleep goals. To prevent this, start with a dose smaller than you think you need. Even if you’ve used cannabis products before, Delta 8 could affect you differently than Delta 9 or CBD products, which is why it’s so important to start with a low dose. 

As mentioned above, beginning with a dose between 2.5 and 5 milligrams is best if you’re using edible products. Start with less than 2 milligrams for tinctures, as these are much more potent. If you’re smoking or vaping, try one small puff to start and let it take effect. You can consume more at your discretion if you’re not feeling the product’s effects. 

Over time, your body will adjust to the product, and you can slowly work up to a larger dose if you prefer. Finding the perfect dose for your needs may take some trial and error, but this process is critical for achieving optimal results. 

Avoid Using It Every Night

If you discover that Delta 8 improves your sleep, you might be inclined to use it every night. Nonetheless, frequent use can lead to an increased tolerance, necessitating higher doses for the same effectiveness over time. Additionally, there’s a risk of becoming reliant on Delta 8, potentially making it challenging to sleep without its assistance. It’s essential to manage usage thoughtfully to maintain its benefits while avoiding dependence and tolerance build-up.

To prevent these side effects, avoid using Delta 8 every night. Instead, save your Delta 8 products for days when you’re feeling particularly stressed or need a great night’s sleep for a big event the next day.  

Combine It with Other Hemp Compounds

The entourage effect theorizes that combining THC with other cannabis compounds, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, makes them more effective at treating a variety of conditions. These compounds interact and balance each other out inside the body.

To get the best results from your Delta 8 products, consider combining them with other cannabis compounds. For example, you could take a Delta 8 product with CBD to balance things out. You can also shop for full-spectrum cannabis products, which are developed with the entourage effect in mind and contain a wide range of cannabinoids and terpenes. 

Have a Consistent Sleep Routine

Sleep experts recommend going to bed at the same time every night and having a consistent routine. This consistency helps maintain your circadian rhythm and makes it easier to fall asleep. Combining a good sleep routine with your Delta 8 products will help you benefit from their full effects. 

Avoid screen time in the hours leading up to your bedtime, as the blue light from your devices can keep you up longer. Instead, opt for other relaxing activities like reading, listening to music, doing a skincare routine, or stretching. 

In addition to your Delta 8 products, you can use gentle sleep aids like lavender, chamomile tea, or melatonin to induce sleep. Talk to your doctor and research potential side effects before taking new sleep aids. 

If you’ve struggled with insomnia for a long time, adjusting to a new sleep routine will take some practice. Consistency is key, and over time, sleep will likely become easier. 

Delta 8 Products from Hemp XR

If you’re in the market for something new to help you catch some quality Z’s, why not give Delta 8 a shot? Hemp XR has an incredible lineup of Delta 8 THC goodies, plus a whole bunch of other cannabis options that can lead to a better night’s rest. Give these products a go when you’re hitting the hay – you might just find yourself drifting off to dreamland a whole lot easier!

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC: A Comprehensive Guide

Trying to learn all you can about the 100+ cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis can feel a bit like you’ve been transported back to your high school chemistry class. This is particularly true when researching closely related compounds like Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. 

But while you may hear a bit about double bonds and carbon atoms when learning about Delta-8 THC vs. Delta-9 THC, the most important discrepancies between the two have little to do with their atomic arrangement. And you don’t need a degree in organic chemistry to comprehend them, either.

We’ve created this comprehensive comparison guide to help you understand the key differences between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. Check it out before you give either of these cannabinoids a try to make the most informed decision. 

What is the Difference Between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC?   

Before delving into the intricate differences between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC, it’s essential to first understand the fundamental characteristics that set them apart. This foundational knowledge will provide a solid basis for comprehending the more complex aspects that distinguish these two cannabinoids.

Chemical Composition

Although Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC are nearly identical in their chemical composition, a subtle variation in their atomic structures sets them apart. Both cannabinoids share the same molecular formula, but the key difference lies in the positioning of a double bond between carbon atoms. In Delta-8 THC, this double carbon bond is located on the eighth carbon ring, whereas in Delta-9 THC, it is positioned on the ninth. 


Believe it or not, Delta-9 THC was identified later than Delta-8. The landmark isolation of Delta-9 in 1964 by Israeli chemist Raphael Mechoulam came years after Delta-8 had been recognized as a distinct cannabinoid. Delta-8’s discovery dates back to 1941, credited to a research team led by renowned organic chemist Roger Adams at the University of Illinois, thus establishing its presence in cannabinoid research well before Delta-9’s emergence.

Public Awareness

Despite being discovered over two decades before Delta-9, Delta-8 THC remained largely obscure outside scientific realms until recent times, especially in the context of Delta-9 vs. THC in all its other forms. This lack of public awareness persisted because Delta-8 was not a featured ingredient in cannabinoid products. It wasn’t until the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp cultivation and the use of its derivatives in consumer products that Delta-8 began gaining prominence.

In contrast, Delta-9 THC has long been the most recognized cannabinoid among the general public. Historically, it was synonymous with THC itself. Before the emergence of Delta-8, Delta-10, and their chemical relatives in the cannabinoid market, there was no distinction made between Delta-9 and THC in general. Delta-9 was, for a long time, the sole THC compound known to most people.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC: Psychoactive Effects

Now that we’ve covered some of the more basic Delta-8 vs. 9 differences, it’s time to delve into the differences more pertinent to your personal experience with these cannabinoids. 

One of the most notable differences is in the psychoactive effects the two provide. While the experiences offered by these two cannabinoids are not radically different from one another, there are some distinctions that are worth noting.

Delta-8 Effects

The basic characteristics of the Delta-8 THC psychoactive experience are essentially the same as those of the Delta-9 high. You can anticipate feelings of euphoria and relaxation, altered perception, enhanced creative thinking, appetite stimulation, and more. 

However, depending on your chosen strain, you may have a slightly different experience. For instance, a Sativa-forward strain will have you feeling more energized, while an Indica strain will leave you feeling more subdued and calm.

Less Potent

Which is stronger, Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC?

One of the most notable differences in the Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 high is that Delta-8 is slightly less potent than Delta-9. While you will be experiencing many of the same effects regardless of which cannabinoid you go with, choosing Delta-8 means the experience will often be milder.

No Anxiety or Paranoia

Despite its incredible popularity, Delta-9 THC is known to occasionally cause some anxiety and paranoia, particularly in those who are unaccustomed to its effects or have simply taken too much of it. Delta-8 is often recognized for lacking those unpleasant side effects.

Delta-9 Effects

The psychoactive experience of Delta-9 THC has all the same traits as Delta-8 THC. You may feel an uplifted mood, an intense sense of relaxation, enhanced creative thinking, a shift in your perception, an increased appetite, and more. 

More Potent

If you’re looking for the more potent psychoactive experience of the two, Delta-9 is considered to be the winner in that realm. The difference between them is not necessarily tremendous, but you are likely to notice a more intense effect from the better-known form of THC. 

Potential for Anxiety and Paranoia

The heightened potency of Delta-9 THC also brings a greater possibility of experiencing adverse side effects. As mentioned earlier, consuming too much Delta-9 can sometimes lead to feelings of anxiety and paranoia, highlighting the need for more cautious use.

For this reason, newcomers to the world of psychoactive cannabinoids trying to choose between Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC may want to consider the former.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC: Legality and Regulation

Another of the most notable (and important) differences between these two cannabinoids is their legality on both the federal and state levels. The law looks at Delta-8 quite differently than it does Delta-9 in many instances, and that can make a big difference in which of the two you might want to try. 

To make sure you stay on the right side of the law in your adventures with cannabinoids, take a look at the laws and regulations surrounding Delta-8 vs. THC in its other forms.  

Delta-8 Legality

The reason why Delta-8 THC products have become so incredibly popular in recent years is that it has only recently become legal to create, sell, and possess them. 

It all began with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which allowed for the cultivation of industrial hemp in the United States. With hemp cultivation legal on the federal level, hemp-derived products like Delta-8 were also made legal, provided they contain no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC.

However, legislators in some states have since gone on to create new laws banning or regulating Delta-8. Products containing the cannabinoid are currently legal (with limited regulation) in 22 states, plus Washington DC. 

Remember that it’s always important to keep an eye on your state’s laws regarding Delta-8, as they are subject to change.

Delta-9 Legality

The legal status of Delta-9 THC has been a contentious issue among cannabis advocates and various levels of government in the United States for many years. However, recent times have seen a gradual shift in perspective. An increasing number of states are legalizing this cannabinoid each year, reflecting a significant change in public opinion toward cannabis. Despite this progress, a major hurdle remains: Delta-9 THC is still illegal at the federal level.

Moreover, some states continue to firmly oppose the legalization of recreational Delta-9 THC. Nevertheless, as of now, 20 states have legalized its recreational use, indicating a complex and evolving legal landscape for this cannabinoid.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC: Potential Health Benefits

While the recreational effects of both Delta-8 and Delta-9 are enough on their own to make the cannabinoids incredibly popular, some possible therapeutic benefits broaden their potential applications tremendously. Research into these health benefits is still ongoing, but several studies have yielded some exciting results. 

Let’s take a look at the differences between these two cannabinoids as it relates to their potential therapeutic benefits. 

Delta-8 Benefits

Much like Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 may have the potential to ease physical and mental discomfort, provide increased relaxation, stimulate the appetite, and help you get to sleep. But although the general benefits may be nearly identical, there is a distinction between the two that might make a considerable difference. 

Because Delta-8 is considered to have fewer unpleasant side effects like anxiety and paranoia, it may be the preferred option for anyone seeking relief from the cannabinoid, particularly if that relief was sought due to any mental discomfort they may be feeling.    

Delta-9 Benefits

Studies have found that Delta-9 THC may be effective in relieving physical discomfort, stimulating appetite, increasing relaxation, helping people with sleep difficulties, nausea relief, and more. Many more potential benefits, such as Delta-9’s anticonvulsant characteristics, are currently being researched. 

The prospect of reaping many potential benefits from a single plant like Delta-9 THC is indeed thrilling. However, it’s crucial to remain mindful of the possible side effects associated with excessive consumption. These can include drowsiness, dry mouth, anxiety, and paranoia, underscoring the importance of moderation and responsible use.

Delta-8 vs. Delta-9 THC: Consumption Methods

There are many different ways to enjoy both the recreational and therapeutic effects of Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. Even in states where recreational cannabis is currently illegal, there are specific ways to enjoy legal Delta-9 products. If you’re curious about exploring the worlds of these two amazing cannabinoids, look at the most popular ways to begin your journey.


Edibles are cannabinoid-infused snacks and sweets, like chocolates, caramels, gummy candies, and more. They make consuming your Delta-8 or Delta-9 easier and more enjoyable for many. If you are looking to avoid inhalation and want something discreet and delicious, you should strongly consider this option.

Surprisingly, legal Delta-9 gummies are available even in states where recreational cannabis isn’t legal. This is because these gummies comply with the legal criteria for a cannabinoid product: they are derived from hemp and contain no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight. Despite this low concentration, they still possess enough Delta-9 THC to provide the psychoactive experience sought by many users.


Edibles show the fun side of cannabinoid consumption, but topicals fall more onto the “all business” end of the spectrum. These products are cannabinoid-infused creams, balms, salves, and lotions that can be applied directly to problem areas for highly effective targeted relief. 

The benefit of topicals is they require very little fuss for you to get the relief you need, and they are absorbed directly into the skin for fast-acting results.


Flower is the raw plant material from which all of these products were originally derived, and it still offers plenty of benefits that none of the others can provide. These beautiful buds can be enjoyed in a lot of different ways, including smoking them in a pipe or joint, vaping them, or using them to create edibles of your own. 

Delta-9 flower is, of course, just cannabis, which means that unless you live in a state where recreational weed is legal or you’ve got a medical card, you are out of luck legally enjoying it in your jurisdiction. 

However, there is still Delta-8 flower for sale, which meets all of the legal requirements for a legal cannabinoid product and, therefore, may be the solution to all your cannabinoid flower needs. 

You can even get your Delta-8 flower in the form of pre-made joints that are perfectly rolled and ready to go. Delta-8 pre-rolls are not only super convenient but an enjoyable experience for users looking for a hassle-free way to enjoy Delta-8 THC.


Vaping offers many benefits similar to smoking flower and some other unique advantages. These devices are engineered to heat a cartridge filled with cannabinoid oil, transforming it into a terpene-rich, psychoactive vapor upon the press of a button. This method leaves no lingering smoke odor behind, produces no ashy residue, and delivers an excellent taste.

Among the variety of vapes available, some are rechargeable for repeated use, while others are designed as disposable vapes. These disposable vapes, which are meant to be discarded after the cannabinoid oil is depleted, are a fantastic option for those who are new to vaping cannabinoids and wish to try them without a long-term commitment.

Find Premium Products at Hemp XR

Interested in exploring Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC products? Browse our Delta-8 flower for sale and our wide selection of other premium Hemp products at Hemp XR. Each item is backed by rigorous third-party lab testing, guaranteeing safety, superior quality, and potency. Shop Hemp XR and find the perfect products for your THC needs.

HHC vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

With the recent influx of newly harnessed cannabinoids hitting the market, it’s become a lot harder to keep track of what’s in the world of cannabis and hemp products. Confusing things even further is the fact that some of the names of these cannabinoids are also remarkably similar, at least in abbreviated form. 

But while you may feel as though learning to differentiate between all of these compounds is an exercise in futility, it’s not that tricky once you’ve learned a few valuable details about each. 

Taking your time to get to know each cannabinoid will not only help you see where they fit into the bigger picture, but it can also help you make sound decisions when it comes to using them safely and effectively.

To help you start, we’ve created this HHC vs. THC guide. It will help you get acquainted with these chemical compounds’ benefits, effects, and other qualities while also helping you distinguish the difference between THC and HHC. 

What Is THC?

THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s a chemical compound known as a cannabinoid, which can be found abundantly in the cannabis plant and small amounts in the hemp plant. THC is perhaps the most well-known cannabinoid, thanks to its psychoactive properties. This compound is essentially the reason that cannabis gets you high.

There’s more to THC than just the psychoactive properties it offers, though. It’s believed that the cannabinoid is also responsible for or contributes to many of the various therapeutic effects cannabis has to offer. 

Variations of THC

Things start to get confusing with THC when you learn that there are several variations of the chemical compound, each with its own properties and unique characteristics. For instance, Delta-8 THC is quickly becoming one of the most popular cannabinoids around, and others like Delta-10 THC, THC-O, and THCa are also growing in popularity.

In this guide, while we won’t delve deep into comparisons like THC 0 vs. HHC or Delta-8 vs. HHC, it’s essential to shed light on these intriguing compounds.

You should know that these other compounds are versions of THC with slight variations in their chemical makeup. Most offer similar effects and benefits to THC, only with some subtle differences and, generally, with more widespread legality.  

When referencing THC in this guide, we are referring to Delta-9 THC, which will generally be the case whenever anyone references THC. 

Delta-9 is unofficially considered synonymous with THC because, for a very long time, the average person was unaware of the variations currently available today and certainly didn’t have access to products containing them. However, Delta-9 has been a known cannabinoid for many, many years.

What Is HHC?

HHC is short for hexahydrocannabinol. It’s a cannabinoid typically synthesized through the hydrogenation process but is argued by some to occur naturally in the cannabis and hemp plants. HHC is reported to offer many of the same psychoactive and therapeutic effects as THC, only without quite as much potency. 

Although it has only recently become widely known by the hemp and cannabis-loving public, HHC has been known in the scientific community for nearly 80 years. It was first synthesized by organic chemist Dr. Roger Adams in 1947. 

Adams applied the hydrogenation process to natural THC molecules derived from the cannabis plant, creating this fascinating compound. 

Is HHC Naturally Occurring?

There is an interesting debate about whether HHC occurs naturally in the hemp and cannabis plants or not. While any HHC product you purchase will be made with HHC synthesized using Delta-8 THC, some believe the cannabinoid does occur naturally, albeit in very small amounts.

This information is relevant when determining whether HHC products are legal. While any product derived from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC is considered legal on the federal level, fully synthetic cannabinoids are not. Because of this, HHC’s legality resides in a gray area.

The Difference Between THC and HHC?

Now that you’ve got a better idea of what these two fascinating cannabinoids are, it’s time to look at how they compare. What is the difference between THC and HHC? Is HHC better than THC? What does each offer that the other does not? Are there any legal differences between the two? All these answers and more can be found in this HHC THC guide. 

HHC vs. THC: Effects

HHC vs. THC effects are not remarkably different from one another. In fact, they’re nearly identical, considering that the two compounds are slight variations of one another. But is HHC stronger than THC? 

The most significant distinction between the two is that HHC is considered to be about 50-80% as strong as THC. While you will enjoy many similar effects from both cannabinoids, you’re likely to find each experience slightly milder if you choose an HHC product over a THC one.


One of the most desirable effects of these cannabinoids is the rush of euphoric feelings they often provide. While this effect can be considered strictly recreational, it can also be quite therapeutic for anyone looking to improve their mood.


Another fan-favorite effect of both THC and HHC is the relaxed state they can provide. Many people use these cannabinoids to wind down after a long, stressful day. Both of them can be highly effective at relaxing not only the mind but the body, too.

Heightened Senses and Altered Perception

THC and HHC can heighten your senses and alter your perception, making for an exciting and enlightening experience. 

Of course, for those who are new to these cannabinoids, there’s also a chance that you might experience some anxiety from the altered perception. That’s why it’s essential to be careful about how much you take and the setting in which you use the cannabinoids. 

Heightened Creativity

There has long been a connection between creative people and THC, and that’s likely because the cannabinoid is reported to inspire creative thinking. Between the euphoric feelings, the relaxed mental state, and the altered perception, you may gain a new perspective that can inspire some innovation in your creative endeavors.

HHC vs. THC: Benefits

The recreational effects of HHC and THC are only one of the reasons why you might consider trying either cannabinoid out. They also offer a range of potential therapeutic advantages that may benefit your mental and physical health and provide you with a better overall quality of life. 

Below are some of the most common therapeutic benefits the cannabinoids may potentially offer.

Discomfort Relief

If you live a life full of aches, tightness, soreness, and general discomfort, odds are you’re not living the life you’d like to. These issues begin as physical ones, but they can ultimately develop into mental ones and make your everyday life difficult to face.

If you’d like to reduce your reliance on or avoid using dangerous and addictive prescription medications to treat these issues, you may want to consider HHC or THC. A patient self-report published in 2017 found that 97% of respondents stated that cannabinoids have allowed them to reduce their reliance on addictive opiates. 

Stress Relief

Few things, if any, are more deadly than chronic stress. This issue has been associated with a vast number of health conditions, including sleep issues, gastrointestinal problems, migraines and tension headaches, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and much more.

There are various approaches to reducing stress and avoiding these health conditions, but few are as simple and enjoyable as using cannabinoids as alternative medicine. 

A 2017 study found that cannabinoids have the potential to help you relax and take some of the physical and emotional pressure off of your body. However, taking too much of those same cannabinoids can have the opposite effect, so be mindful. 

Help with Sleep Issues

Much like chronic stress, lack of sleep can lead to a dizzying array of mental and physical health issues. And what’s most concerning is that a staggering number of Americans currently do not get the rest they need regularly. 

Instead of opting for habit-forming prescription medications that come with a laundry list of potential side effects, you can potentially use HHC or THC to get the rest you need. 

A review published in 2022 found that nearly 40% of patients with sleep issues were able to drop their prescription meds in favor of cannabinoids, and more than 70% noted an improvement in their sleep. 

Appetite Stimulation

While many people are actively seeking ways to reduce their appetites and manage their eating, others struggle with a lack of appetite and suffer the effects of malnutrition or unhealthy weight loss. If you fall into the latter category, cannabinoids like HHC and THC have the potential to help. 

Both THC and HHC can potentially ease any stomach issues that may keep you from eating while also stimulating the parts of the brain responsible for appetite and enjoyment of food. The result is what has been referred to as “the munchies” for many years. 

While much of the average person’s knowledge about this phenomenon is anecdotal, there is, in fact, scientific research that appears to back it.

HHC vs. THC: Legality

Now that you know how similar these cannabinoids are regarding their recreational effects and therapeutic benefits, it’s time to look at perhaps the most significant difference between them — their legality. So, what is HHC vs. THC in terms of legal status? 

In recent years, the legal status of THC has been ever-shifting, at least on the state level. Many states have slowly begun decriminalizing and even legalizing recreational cannabis, while others have been far slower to adopt changes to their laws. Meanwhile, there has been no change to federal prohibition of THC products. 

HHC is a different story entirely. This cannabinoid has only recently burst onto the scene thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill’s legalization of hemp cultivation in the United States. This new piece of legislation has allowed the cultivation of hemp and the creation of hemp products in the U.S. and new cannabinoids like HHC to be legally harnessed.

While some state laws have specifically outlawed products containing any compound related to THC, their numbers are fewer than those that outlaw THC itself. And because HHC is derived from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC, it is considered federally legal. 

In other words, HHC, compared to THC, is far more widely legal, making it a fantastic option for anyone looking to enjoy cannabinoids in a place where legal cannabis still seems like a pipe dream. 

HHC vs. THC: Which is Right for You?

With all of the information you’ve just gained by reading this HHC vs. THC guide, you should now be able to make a more informed decision regarding which cannabinoid is right for you. If you’re still on the fence, consider the following:

Both Offer Similar Effects

While THC and HHC originate from the same family of cannabinoids, their effects on the human body are strikingly similar. Users often report that the sensations, benefits, and overall experiences derived from both compounds are almost indistinguishable. This makes it easier for individuals to transition from one to the other based on preference or necessity.

THC is Stronger

THC is the go-to choice for those specifically seeking a more intense and powerful effect. Being one of the most well-known cannabinoids, THC has earned its reputation for delivering a potent experience. If intensity is your primary criterion, then THC undoubtedly stands out as the more formidable contender.

HHC is More Widely Legal

Navigating the complex legal landscape of cannabis products can be challenging. HHC offers a solution for those living in regions where recreational cannabis remains prohibited. Due to its derivation from hemp and its more favorable legal status in many areas, opting for HHC allows individuals to experience the benefits of cannabinoids with a greater sense of legal security and peace of mind.

Explore the Benefits of THC and HHC With Hemp XR

If you’re curious about the effects and benefits of THC and HHC, the best way to understand them might be to experience them firsthand. Hemp XR offers a diverse range of THC and HHC products to cater to different preferences. Whether you want to buy edibles for a controlled dosage, enjoy the traditional feel of flower, experience the convenience of vapes, or prefer the potency of tinctures, Hemp XR has something for everyone. Explore their collection today and discover the world of THC and HHC.

What is THCA and What are its Benefits?

If you’re interested in cannabis and cannabinoids, you’ve likely heard about THC. This chemical compound is the one most responsible for the high that has made cannabis an essential part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, and it may also contribute to the therapeutic effects that cannabis is reported to offer. 

For these reasons, THC is easily the most widely recognizable of the over 100 cannabinoids currently known. 

However, with so many new cannabinoids appearing in recent years, it’s getting trickier to keep track of which variation of THC is which. For example, you can find products containing Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC, THC-O, and THCV. Additionally, an increasing number of dispensaries offer products featuring the star of this cannabinoid guide: THCA.

THCA is the precursor to the ever-popular THC, and it offers a variety of unique benefits to anyone looking for non-psychoactive therapeutic relief. If you’re curious about giving this amazing cannabinoid a try, take a look at this comprehensive THCA guide.

What is THCA?

THCA is the abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. It’s the acidic precursor to THC, and it can be found abundantly in raw cannabis flower. 

Almost every cannabinoid begins in the cannabis and hemp plants as a carboxylic acid. These acids can be converted to a nonacidic compound through the decarboxylation process, which occurs through exposure to light and heat.

This process explains why you can’t simply eat cannabis to get high; the decarboxylation process must take place to convert the THCA structure into THC. Once it does, marijuana enthusiasts can enjoy its psychoactive effects.

That’s right: Although THC is renowned for its psychoactive properties, this is not the case for THCA, meaning that this cannabinoid will not get you high. However, it is believed to offer a wide range of therapeutic benefits. 

What Does THCA Do?

While THCA may not be psychoactive until it is decarboxylated into THC, it still has potential benefits as a cannabinoid. In fact, THCA may have a lot to offer anyone looking for the advantages of cannabis but wants to avoid its intoxicating effects. That’s why you might see THCA bud and THCA edible products available in dispensaries and online shops. 

THCA effects are reported to include relief from discomfort, relief from sleep issues, appetite stimulation, and much more. And though research into the cannabinoid is still in a fairly early stage, some evidence suggests that it may have the potential to help treat a wide range of conditions and concerns. 

So, what is THCA capable of? Researchers haven’t reached a firm conclusion quite yet. But much like the over 100 other cannabinoids out there, it seems that the more is learned about THCA, the more promising it appears. 

THC vs. THCA: What’s the Difference?

Picture this: You’re doing some online dispensary shopping, and you come across a THCA weed that looks fantastic: bright green buds, deep orange hairs, shimmering trichomes. You’re ready to add it to your shopping cart when you notice a traditional THC flower right next to it that looks just as beautiful, and now you’re stuck picking between the two. How exactly do you choose?

One significant difference is that THCA is the precursor to THC, which means it becomes THC after processing. THCA is the most abundant cannabinoid in the cannabis plant when it’s freshly picked and has yet to be smoked. Once you apply some light and heat to that cannabis, however, the THCA will convert into THC through the decarboxylation process.

Additionally, THCA is nonpsychoactive. Before it goes through the decarboxylation process and becomes THC, THCA does not contain any psychoactive properties. This means you should not get high if you choose to purchase and smoke some high-quality THCA flower. However, you can still enjoy many of the potential therapeutic effects of THCA. That’s why more consumers are turning to nonpsychoactive options like THCA.

Finally, THCA has the edge over THC when it comes to legality. Proponents of THC have been fighting an uphill battle for legalization for decades, and although they have made a lot of headway in recent years, it remains federally illegal. Additionally, its legality varies widely by state, and each state’s laws about compounds derived from hemp or marijuana are constantly evolving. 

But what is THCA’s legal status? THCA enjoys wider legality than THC on both the state and federal levels. As long as it is derived from legal hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC, THCA products are considered federally legal. These products are also legal in more states than recreational weed. 

This broader legal status is thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill — a landmark piece of legislation that made it legal on the federal level for hemp to be cultivated in the United States. 

The federal government no longer designates hemp and hemp products as controlled substances thanks to the bill. Hemp-derived products containing cannabinoids such as Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC, HHC, and THCA are also federally legal.

Potential Benefits of THCA

You know that THCA is nonpsychoactive, and you also know that products like THCA weed, THCA edibles, and more are available in dispensaries and online stores. So then what is THCA good for if it can’t get you high? 

The cannabinoid is reported to offer a variety of therapeutic benefits. Keep in mind that research is still ongoing into not only THCA but also cannabinoids in general; however, current results and anecdotal evidence suggest that some people may enjoy the following from THCA products:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation has been linked to a dizzying list of health conditions, such as arthritis and lupus. Reducing inflammation in your body can potentially be done in a multitude of ways, and one of those ways may include the use of THCA products.

While there have been studies into the anti-inflammatory properties of various cannabinoids, one study published in 2017 pointed to THCA as potentially helpful. 

The study looked at the effects of cannabis on cells taken from the colons of patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. Researchers found that “the anti-inflammatory activity of cannabis extracts on colon epithelial cells derives from … THCA.” Ultimately, the study suggested that when cannabis is used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, “THCA should be used rather than CBD.”

Neuroprotective Properties

One of the most interesting qualities that cannabinoids like THCA may potentially possess is the ability to protect the mind. There have been many studies into the potential neuroprotective qualities of various cannabinoids. While results are inconclusive, they have been encouraging, and THCA seems to stand tall among the rest. 

A study published in December 2017 looked at THCA’s potential to protect the mind. The researchers acknowledged in their abstract that decarboxylated cannabinoids have been extensively researched for these properties, and they were curious to see how they might fare in their acidic precursor forms. They concluded that THCA “shows potent neuroprotective activity.” 

Anti-Nausea Properties

One of the biggest reasons medicinal cannabis has been legalized in many states is its potential to help chemotherapy patients feel more comfortable as they battle cancer. Chemotherapy is notorious for the nausea it induces. This nausea can seriously impact a chemotherapy patient’s appetite and, subsequently, their body weight and nutrient levels.

Studies have found that THC has the potential to ease stomach discomfort and help those suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy to feel more comfortable. Subsequent research seems to show that THCA may be even more effective in that regard. 

A 2013 study looked at the effect THCA had on rats exhibiting symptoms of nausea. They found that THCA “potently reduced” these symptoms, ultimately concluding that “THCA may be a more potent alternative to THC” to ease stomach discomfort. 

Appetite Stimulant

The concept of the “munchies” is often used humorously when discussing the effects of cannabis, but there is scientific backing to this phenomenon. Many people purposely seek this appetite-stimulating effect from their cannabinoids due to genuine medical concerns.

Whether they are dealing with some form of eating disorder, undergoing a treatment like chemotherapy that reduces their appetite, or experiencing stomach discomfort that prevents them from getting the nutrition they need, there are many reasons someone might need appetite stimulation. 

Cannabinoids are believed to not only stimulate the parts of your brain responsible for appetite but also stimulate those parts of the brain that make you feel pleasure when enjoying a good meal. Both of these factors, combined with THCA’s potential to make your stomach feel at ease, can potentially help you regain your appetite. 

Pain Relief

Daily discomfort can quickly move from a strictly physical issue to both a physical and mental one that drastically reduces your quality of life. If your regular aches and pains keep you from living the life you want and doing the things you need to do, then you will undoubtedly struggle mentally and emotionally. You might also be tempted to turn to addictive and potentially deadly pharmaceuticals for relief. 

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to those medications, then THCA may potentially be the answer. Various studies have been conducted into the potential for cannabinoids to relieve patients who are feeling daily discomfort, and the results have been promising. 

THCA may offer that relief in a nonpsychoactive form, which can be crucial for those looking for strictly therapeutic properties in their cannabinoids. 


Muscle spasms negatively affect the daily lives of people all over the country every single day. Sometimes, the source of those spasms is something small and unconcerning. In other cases, they are the result of a serious health condition such as multiple sclerosis. 

Research into the potential for cannabinoids to help calm muscles and reduce symptoms like spasms has returned some promising results. If you’re looking for a non-psychoactive way to potentially enjoy these therapeutic effects, THCA may be the best option. 


Epilepsy can be a debilitating condition that keeps those suffering from it from doing things most people take for granted, such as working specific jobs or driving a car. 

Interestingly, the very first FDA-approved cannabinoid prescription medication, Epidiolex, is intended to treat epilepsy. But while Epidiolex is a CBD medicine, there is research-backed reason to believe that THCA and other cannabinoids may have similar properties.   

Improving Sleep

If you’re struggling to get the amount of sleep you need regularly, your body and mind will suffer. Lack of sleep is connected to various health conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and stroke. Unfortunately, a tremendous number of Americans are not getting the rest they need. 

If you’re looking for an alternative to prescription sleep medications, THCA may be able to help. A review published in 2022 found that over 70% of patients suffering from sleep disorders noted an improvement in their sleep when swapping out their prescription meds for cannabinoids. Nearly 40% were able to drop their meds altogether in favor of cannabis. 

Potential Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases manifest in diverse and sometimes erratic ways, profoundly impacting the lives of those affected. While the complexities of these conditions are not yet fully understood, it is clear that inflammation often plays a pivotal role in their progression. As research continues, it is our hope that a deeper understanding of these diseases will lead to more effective treatments.

Many researchers believe that since THCA may have anti-inflammatory properties, it may be able to provide some relief from the discomfort caused by autoimmune conditions. And while there are other ways to reduce inflammation, some of those medications come with serious side effects not found in THCA.

Explore the Advantages of THCA With Hemp XR

With a thorough understanding of THCA, you stand at the threshold of discovering its myriad potential benefits for yourself. THCA, as a unique cannabinoid, has piqued the interest of many, and now you have the opportunity to personally experience its effects. 

If you’re feeling adventurous and ready to embark on this new journey, Hemp XR is here to guide the way. We proudly present a specially curated selection of THCA flower and an array of related products, all available in our online store. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our collection is designed to cater to your needs. So, why wait? Step into the fascinating world of THCA and let your exploration begin!

Hybrid, Indica, and Sativa Differences: How to Choose the Best Strain

The cannabis plant boasts diverse properties, with its unique strains offering a spectrum of distinct experiences for your relief and enjoyment.

Not only do different varieties of cannabis offer different flavor profiles, aromas, and physical characteristics, but they also provide unique psychoactive effects and therapeutic benefits that can be the exact opposite of what others provide. 

Knowing what separates the unique cannabis strains from one another is crucial for finding the right one for your needs; you don’t necessarily want to vape some sativa when you’re looking to relax and unwind after a long week, nor do you necessarily want to pair an indica with daytime activities.     

So, what is the difference between indica and sativa vapes? How do hybrid vapes compare? To help you get a better idea of the answer to that question and more, take a look at this comprehensive guide to unravel the distinctions among hybrid, indica, and sativa strains more profoundly.

What is Sativa?

The cannabis sativa strain is native to eastern Asia but can also be found growing naturally in both Africa and Central America. It evolved to prefer sunny, dry, warm climates and has been utilized by the inhabitants of these climates for a wide range of purposes that extend well beyond its recreational and therapeutic benefits. 

Over several millennia of regular cultivation, sativas have been used to create oil, food, fiber, medicines, and more. 

Of course, the psychoactive effects of sativa strains have also been a critical factor in their cultivation. The powerful plant has not only been used recreationally for thousands of years but has played essential roles in religious and spiritual ceremonies for just as long. 

Sativa Physical Characteristics

Hydrid, indica, and sativa differences are not limited to their effects alone; the plants are distinctive, too. Sativa plants are taller, with longer, thinner leaves than indica plants. The average sativa plant is around six feet tall but can grow up to twice that tall.

Sativa Effects

So what does sativa do to you? Everyone experiences cannabis slightly differently, but generally, you can anticipate a sativa gummy or other product to provide an energizing, uplifting effect that makes you feel more alert and creative. The high this subspecies provides is often referred to as “cerebral,” which means its impact on thinking and perception is the most notable.

Therapeutic Benefits of Sativa  

There is an array of sativa medical benefits you can potentially enjoy. These strains’ stimulating and euphoric effects can make them useful for anyone looking to improve their mood, address low energy, and achieve mental clarity. The enhanced creative thinking these strains can offer also makes them great for pairing with artistic pursuits. 

What is Indica?

The indica subspecies is native to southern Asia. It originated in the Hindu Kush mountain range, which may sound familiar to cannabis enthusiasts who have enjoyed the individual strain of that name or any of its countless offshoots. 

Having evolved in erratic mountain conditions, these plants are rugged and can thrive in harsh climates. Unlike sativas, the indica subspecies has historically been cultivated primarily for their recreational and therapeutic uses.

Indica Physical Characteristics

The indica plant is stockier and more robust than the sativa plant. This is true of the plant itself and its leaves, which are broad rather than long and narrow like the leaves of a sativa. While sativa plants can grow well beyond six feet tall, indica plants tend to grow to around three or four feet tall, rarely exceeding six feet.

Indica Effects  

Indica products like vapes, edibles, and flower are known to provide a relaxing, sedative effect, as well as a stimulated appetite. 

Some use the term “couch-locked” when describing the experience of a potent indica high. By that, they mean you can feel so relaxed and at ease with an indica that you see little purpose in leaving the comfort of your couch. This effect makes the indica strain most preferable for nighttime use.

You may hear the effect of an indica strain referred to as a “body high.” That means the psychoactive experience of these strains is centered more around physical sensation than mental stimulation. 

Therapeutic Benefits of Indica

The sedative effects of the indica subspecies make it an ideal option for anyone looking to decompress after a stressful week and who might have trouble getting to bed at night. 

Indica strains are also reported to be beneficial to anyone dealing with daily physical discomfort. This strain’s appetite stimulation properties can also potentially benefit those struggling to eat regularly. 

What is a Hybrid Strain? 

A hybrid is any cannabis strain created by crossing two different strains to produce an entirely new one with its own set of unique characteristics. While this can include the crossing of two indicas or two sativas, it is more likely that someone referring to a strain as a hybrid is talking about a cross between sativa and indica.

The indica and sativa strains that evolved naturally without human intervention are referred to as “landrace” strains. 

Over the millennia that cannabis has been cultivated, these landrace strains have been crossed with one another countless times to provide well over one thousand different variations. With that crossing came an array of combinations in terms of physical characteristics, therapeutic benefits, and psychoactive effects. 

Hybrid Physical Characteristics 

Much like when humans procreate, the physical characteristics of a hybrid plant will be a combination of the physical characteristics of its parent strains. It may be taller than an indica but with the broad leaves that the subspecies is known for, or shorter and stockier than a sativa with the longer, more narrow leaves of its sativa parent. 

Hybrid Effects

One of the best things about a hybrid strain is that it can allow you to enjoy the effects of both sativa and indica strains at the same time. 

Often, hybrids will not be a perfect balance of sativa and indica. The subspecies that comprise a larger part of the strain’s genetics is considered the “dominant” strain. A sativa dominant strain will offer more sativa effects than indica and vice versa.

Therapeutic Benefits of Hybrid Strains

Again, the therapeutic benefits of hybrid strains will depend on the benefits provided by the parent strains and whether the strain is sativa or indica dominant. This combined effect can be particularly useful for anyone who can benefit from the therapeutic effects of both strains but would rather not have to use two different types of flower to achieve them. 

Hybrid, Indica, and Sativa Differences

There are various advantages to each unique strain of cannabis, but those particular benefits may not be the ones you’re looking for at the moment. Take a look at what differentiates the types of strains to get a better idea of what you might want to pick up next time you’re perusing Hemp XR’s menu.

THC Content

Some cannabis enthusiasts prioritize high THC content over all else when it comes to choosing a strain. In contrast, others prefer a milder high and a more comprehensive range of therapeutic benefits. While each strain type offers a range of THC contents, certain ones are more inclined to high THC than others. So what is stronger — sativa or indica?


Sativa strains tend to have higher THC content and lower CBD content. This can mean that the psychoactive experience of these strains is more pronounced than the therapeutic effects. However, certain aspects of the psychoactive experience can be therapeutic in themselves. For example, the euphoric feeling provided by sativas can help improve the mood.


Indica strains tend to have more CBD content than sativa strains while still maintaining high THC content. This means the ratio of CBD to THC is more likely to be balanced in these strains, offering both potent psychoactive effects and therapeutic benefits. 


Hybrid strains can be bred to produce whatever the most desirable balance of THC and CBD may be to that particular breeder. Some can offer incredibly high THC content with little CBD, some can have a perfect 1:1 ratio, and others can be low THC/high CBD.

Typically, when you’re looking for a strain with a particular ratio, your best bet is to look at hybrids. 


Now that you have a decent idea of sativa vs. indica vs. hybrid effects, you should be able to more easily determine the strain best suited for your needs. But before you make your selection, make sure you have the following usage tips in mind:


Because sativa strains are stimulating and uplifting, they tend to be better suited for daytime use; if you’re looking to be active after you’ve enjoyed some cannabis, you may not want to be sedated like an indica can make you feel. Sativa gummies and their effects can also be great when your planned activities are mentally stimulating, like painting, writing, or playing music. 


The sedative effect of indicas makes them the ideal candidate for a relaxing night in, decompressing and chatting with friends or watching a movie with some tasty snacks. You might also enjoy yourself in this setting with a sativa, but there is also the chance that the mood set by those energizing strains is not what you’re going for. 


The fun of hybrid strains is that they can be more versatile than indicas or sativas on their own. You might want the enhanced creative thinking of a sativa without the energy, or you may want the relaxing body high of an indica without feeling couch-locked. Hybrids can provide these unique experiences if you’re willing to search for the right one.

Medical Benefits

So, what is the difference between sativa and indica vape cartridges when it comes to the therapeutic benefits they offer? The answer to this question is essential, as the range of potential medical benefits that both sativas, indicas, and hybrids have to offer is wide and can vary significantly. 


Some use sativa strains to boost their mood when they’re feeling down or uneasy, as the euphoric effects these strains provide have the potential to address those issues promptly. The mental clarity that sativas provide can also be helpful for those who are feeling foggy and unfocused. Some also use sativa strains to ease physical discomfort.


The relaxation brought on by a good indica strain can benefit one’s mental state, but it also has its physical advantages. If you’re feeling physical discomfort, such as aches and soreness, relaxing your body can potentially help alleviate these issues. 

The appetite-stimulating effects of indica strains can also prove useful in addressing a variety of issues. However, it’s always a good idea to choose what and how much you eat wisely. 


Hybrids are a good option for someone looking for a particular set of potential medical benefits. Each strain will have unique therapeutic properties based on the ratio of sativa to indica, so you may have to do some research to find what you’re looking for. The odds are that it’s there if you’re willing to look.

Explore CBD Products From Hemp XR

If you want to know more about the different strains of cannabis, one of the best ways to learn is to try them for yourself. Browse Hemp XR’s extensive range, featuring THC cartridges, flavorful gummies, tinctures, and other premium products, to elevate your cannabis experience and discover the unique properties of each strain.

A Comprehensive Guide to CBD Topicals vs. Oral Products

There are many potential therapeutic advantages to CBD and various ways to enjoy those benefits through the array of CBD products you can find at Hemp XR. There’s a CBD version of almost everything today, from snacks and drinks to lotions and balms. 

However, not every one of these products is best suited for delivering the therapeutic benefits you’re looking for, or at least not as well suited as other options. For instance, depending on the conditions you’re hoping to treat, a CBD topical may be a far better option than any CBD product you take orally, and vice versa. 

But what are the differences between a topical cannabinoid and an oral one, and when is it best to choose one over the other? Learn the answers to those questions and much more in this comprehensive CBD topical vs. oral guide.

What are CBD Topicals?

A CBD topical is any CBD-infused product applied directly to the skin. The CBD and other topical components are absorbed into the skin, interacting with local endocannabinoid receptors to provide targeted relief to the area. 

Like with Bengay and other anti-inflammatory ointments, CBD or THC ointment can potentially help address various issues, including aches, soreness, stiffness, and more. If the discomfort you’re experiencing comes from a centralized part of the body, the most effective option is typically to use a topical directly on that area.

Some cannabinoid enthusiasts learn how to make CBD cream for pain and craft their topicals at home. However, this can be a lot of work, and the finished product is often less effective than those you can find from an established and reputable company. 

Types of Topicals

There are many ways to enjoy the benefits of topical CBD absorption. Each CBD topical offers unique advantages and potential disadvantages, depending on what you hope to experience. Take a look at some of the most common options available. 

Lotions and Creams

Thanks to their versatility and convenience, CBD-infused lotions and creams may be the most popular form of CBD topical. These products work just like any other skin care lotion or cream, only they’ve got CBD in them to provide the user with all of the therapeutic benefits the cannabinoid has to offer. 

As for the difference between the two, lotions are thinner in consistency than creams because they’re created with water, but other than that, these types of topicals are very similar. 

Balms and Salves

Balms and salves can be infused with CBD to create some potent therapeutic products not dissimilar to lotions or creams. Consistency is the most significant difference between balms/salves and lotions/creams. Balms and salves are generally thicker than lotions and creams and have a higher CBD concentration. 

The higher concentration of CBD found in these products makes them advantageous to anyone looking to treat severe issues. You should typically opt for these lotions and creams when your discomfort is chronic and significant.


Tinctures are essentially CBD in a liquid form. They contain concentrated CBD and, often, other cannabinoids, along with some form of oil. While this option can be taken orally, you can also apply the tincture topically, which makes it a versatile product. 

Patches and Roll-Ons

For some added convenience with your CBD topicals, you may want to look at patches and roll-ons. Patches are placed on the skin for consistent, slow-release CBD relief that can last you a long time. 

Roll-ons are a bit like a deodorant stick, only with a CBD topical. You pop the cap and roll the topical onto the problem area for quick, easy, mess-free relief. 

What is Oral CBD?

Oral CBD is any CBD-infused product that is taken orally. Depending on the product, oral CBD can be absorbed through the digestive system (eaten), taken sublingually (placed under the tongue), or both. While topical products absorb into the skin to provide targeted relief, oral products absorb into the bloodstream to offer body-wide relief. 

Ingesting your CBD can provide long-lasting effects, but it will take a bit to kick in. Taking your CBD sublingually can provide similar benefits but more quickly and with higher bioavailability, as the CBD will bypass the digestive system and enter your bloodstream directly, meaning the liver won’t break down the compounds before they can reach your bloodstream.

Oral CBD can be used for many potential purposes, including discomfort relief, relaxation, mood boost, appetite stimulation, help with sleep issues, and more. 

These products are often the better option when the problems you want to address are not centralized to one specific body part. For instance, you’d probably prefer CBD cream for sprained ankles and oral CBD to manage widespread aches and soreness. 

Types of Oral CBD

Ingesting your CBD can be done in a variety of ways, some of which can be both fun and delicious. To get a better idea of which option may be the best for your particular needs, take a look at some of the most popular.


Gummies are one of the most popular ways to eat CBD, as they add some fun flavors to an already convenient consumption method. You can get CBD relief through a vegan, gluten-free gummy that can sometimes be designed to taste just like some of your childhood favorites, such as peach or watermelon rings.


You can also get some flavorful CBD relief from an infused drink. There are CBD sodas, teas, seltzers, and more. Bring one along with you when you head out of the house, and you can enjoy it along with your next meal or whenever you’d like to be refreshed and relieved at the same time.


If you’re a big tea drinker, one of the best ways to incorporate CBD into your life is to add it to tea time with the help of some CBD honey. Full-spectrum CBD-infused honey is all-natural, easy to use, absolutely delicious, and can bring you the relief you’re looking for over a relaxing cup of tea.


For some no-frills relief through oral CBD, you may want to try softgels. These products are simply CBD in a carrier oil contained in a dissolvable gel casing. You can easily add them to your morning routine and any other vitamins and supplements you may use. 

There are a few other types of CBD in pill form, such as capsules and tablets. The differences between these options and softgels are minimal. Capsules can be a bit smaller, while tablets can have a higher concentration of CBD. Otherwise, they all tend to offer the same advantages.


While tinctures can be used topically, they’re more commonly used orally. These products are concentrated CBD contained in a carrier oil and stored in a dropper bottle. You can use the dropper to easily measure your CBD as you drop it under your tongue, into a drink, or into a favorite recipe. 

These products’ versatility and easy measuring make them an excellent option for various purposes.

One of the fun things about tinctures is they can come in a range of flavors. Hemp XR offers our full-spectrum CBD tincture in creamsicle, vanilla, peppermint, citrus, and fruit blast. 

Pet Products

Yes, even your pets can benefit from the power of CBD. If you have a cat or dog who has been having trouble getting around due to the effects of an injury or old age, CBD may be able to bring them the all-natural relief they need. For pets, oral consumption is usually the best method. Hemp XR offers a pet tincture and a pet peanut butter to cater to their specific needs.  

CBD Topicals vs. Oral Products

Now that you’re well-acquainted with CBD topicals and oral CBD, as well as all of the various products available in either category, it’s time to look at why and when you might choose one over the other. 

Keep in mind that there’s no definitive winner of the CBD topical vs. oral debate but rather a particular set of purposes you’ll want topicals for and other circumstances where you want oral CBD. To get a better idea of when to use what, take a look at this CBD topical vs. oral comparison. 


CBD topicals are designed to be applied directly to the problem areas you want to treat, while oral CBD provides more widespread relief via the bloodstream. You can hypothetically use oral CBD to treat all kinds of physical discomfort. Still, you may not get the same level of relief as a topical can provide by directly targeting the source of the pain.

Oral CBD is the better option if you’re looking for relief from mental discomfort. It can potentially help you feel more relaxed and more mentally clear, and it can also boost your mood. 


Both oral and topical CBD can be effective when used properly, but there are some essential things to note about both. 

First, the bioavailability of oral CBD is significantly lower when eaten rather than taken sublingually. That means you’ll need less CBD to get the relief you’re looking for when you use it sublingually, as the tincture will find its way directly into your bloodstream without losing much CBD. 

Second, while some topical CBD will enter the bloodstream, it provides more concentrated relief for the immediate area it was applied to. This means any other effects will be limited. 

Activation Time and Duration

So how fast does CBD salve work compared to CBD gummies, and how long can you expect either of them to last?

CBD topicals will absorb right into the skin and start working relatively quickly. You can anticipate feeling the effects within about 10 or 20 minutes after application. 

Oral CBD, on the other hand, can take much longer, at least when absorbed through the digestive system. Gummies and similar products can take an hour or more to kick in, while sublingual CBD can take about 15-20 minutes.

You’re probably wondering, “Do THC topicals really work that much faster than eating your CBD?” The answer is yes, but it’s important to note that you’ll likely get a longer-lasting experience from your oral CBD. It typically lasts six to eight hours, while topicals only last for three or four.

Discover the Power of CBD Products with Hemp XR

If you want to learn more about our CBD products, explore our online menu today. You can find just the oral or topical CBD products for your specific needs. Our dedicated team ensures that each product meets the highest standards. 

Additionally, for those interested in a more enhanced experience, take a look at our range of THC gummies in various flavors and dosages. These gummies promise quality, consistency, and a delectable way to enjoy the benefits of both CBD and THC seamlessly. Stay tuned for these exciting additions!